Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing (TESS) is a web tool that points you to a whole host of useful (and free) resources which can help businesses address social responsibility challenges in their seafood supply chains.

TESS launched in March 2017 as a one-stop-resource-shop. It starts with an overview of the social issues impacting on the seafood supply chain.

Seafish recognised that with so many different sources of information available on ethical issues, which range from identifying issues through to international standards and ‘on the ground’ initiatives working on the issues, it can be challenging for seafood businesses to understand this complex landscape and then decide what they need to do to identify issues and make improvements. This is where TESS can help.

Tools and resources can be found here.

child labour














Out of Darkness
Online Tools

Generally viewed as a problem only in 3rd world countries, sex trafficking is destroying the lives of men, women, and children all across the United States. The FBI reports that the average age that a girl or boy is first recruited into prostitut...Read More

Human Rights and Business Dilemmas Forum
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TAGS: Global
Responsible Recruitment Toolkit
Online Tools

The Responsible Recruitment Toolkit (RRT) enables labour providers, employers and brands to raise the standard of recruitment in their business and global supply chains. RRT is a pioneering, interactive, one-stop online toolkit that prov...Read More

Delta 8.7
Online ToolsVideos

Delta 8.7 is a global knowledge platform exploring what works to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour, an aim set out in Target 8.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. On any given day in 2016, the latest y...Read More

TAGS: Global