The purpose of the paper is to examine the relationship between recruitment fees and other abusive and fraudulent practices of recruitment agencies and trafficking in persons, with a particular focus on criminal justice measures to address this relationship. While there have been numerous incidents of abusive recruitment practices and subsequent labour exploitation reported in all parts of the world, little is known about how states respond to the phenomenon and whether they use their anti-trafficking legislation to prosecute persons involved in such re- cruitment practices. The paper examines the state practice with a view to highlighting lessons learned and providing recommendations on how to adequately respond to the issue.

The Role of Recruitment Fees and Abusive and Fraudulent Recruitment Practices of Recruitment Agencies in Trafficking in Persons - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2015 DOWNLOAD














Ministerial Declaration on Combating All Forms of Human Trafficking

The declaration encourage OSCE participating States to work with the business sector to apply principles of due diligence and transparency in assessing and addressing risks of exploitation throughout supply chains and ensuring that workers have acces...Read More

Decision No. 8/07 Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Labour Exploitation

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The Hidden Cost of Jewelry: Human Rights in Supply Chains and the Responsibility of Jewelry Companies

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