The NetClean Report 2016 provides an overview of global trends in child sexual abuse crime, especially on the channels that are used for the distribution of child sexual abuse material. The report is a unique insight into the experiences and accumulated knowledge of police officers worldwide working on child sexual abuse investigations.

The aim of the survey is to create wider awareness and knowledge about child sexual abuse crime, with the long-term goal of reducing the number of cases of child sexual abuse.

The report is based on an anonymous questionnaire completed by users of Griffeye Analyze DI, an investigative tool for images and video used by law enforcement agencies worldwide.

All respondents are police officers working on child sexual exploitation cases. The survey was carried out between 9th June and 13th September 2016. 370 police officers across 26 countries participated in the survey. 61.1 per cent of the respondents come from the USA, with a further 26 per cent based in Europe.

The NetClean Report 2016 also includes blocking statistics from one Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISPs block websites that are known to contain child sexual abuse material and these lists of blocked URLs are provided by the police.

To create a better and deeper understanding of the results of the study, we also conducted interviews with a number of distinguished experts in this space.

NetClean Report 2016 DOWNLOAD














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