Australia’s National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery 2015–19 provides the strategic framework for Australia’s response to human trafficking and slavery. The plan was developed with government and non-government partners, and was launched by the Minister for Justice, the Hon Michael Keenan MP, on 2 December 2014.

National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery 2015–19 - Australia, 2014 DOWNLOAD














Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation/Forced and Bonded Labour: Identification – Prevention – Prosecution; and Prosecution of Offenders, Justice for Victims
GuidanceGood Practices

This paper focuses on the specifics of labour exploitation, particularly the identification, prevention and prosecution of offenders with the final goal of preventing trafficking and bringing justice for victims. The text is based on the 3rd and 5th...Read More

Eradicating Forced Labour: What Works in Practice
GuidanceGood Practices

How can forced labour be eradicated globally? What approaches are the most effective at gaining ground towards this goal, and can they be replicated across country contexts? There are many ideas about what could work in theory, but there still is li...Read More

TAGS: Global
Innovative approaches for the management of labor migration in Asia
Good Practices

This report analyzes labor migration trends in Asia and puts them in the context of demographic and policy trends. It provides an overview of the population trends in different Asian countries and looks at policy settings in several sending and dest...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Best Practices Guide on Keeping Children Safe in Sports
Good Practices

Every year, thousands of children choose to join a sports club or to participate in recreational activities such as day camps and summer camps. Participation in these activities promotes healthy child development. However, one should also be aware t...Read More