The report is an industry-focused analysis of the Malaysian palm oil industry with specific insights into the industry’s governance and investment framework, relevant labour laws that apply to migrant workers in the industry and various dispute resolution mechanisms that are available to address disputes of individuals and communities affected by the operations. Several initiatives and guidance to improve the governance and social framework, certification standards and responsible investment including Environmental Social Governance reporting are discussed to highlight the multiple opportunities that are available to a range of stakeholders including the business community, civil society, law enforcement and industry bodies in the palm oil industry to leverage existing opportunities to improve social standards particularly social issues that affect the migrant worker communities and create a change in business practices that respond to and respect the human rights.

Malaysia's Palm Oil Industry - Liberty Asia, 2018 DOWNLOAD














The Voice of British Survivors of Modern Slavery

British survivors of modern day slavery are not being adequately listened to or heard in the antislavery sector, let alone across the UK. Yet they are the now the largest cohort in the Government’s annual modern slavery referral data. This evasion...Read More

A comprehensive analysis of policies and frameworks governing foreign employment for Nepali women migrant workers and migrant domestic workers

Nepal has implemented, repealed and re-implemented various bans and restrictions on the migration of women migrant workers and / or migrant domestic workers since 1998, the year in which all women migrant workers were first banned from migrating to ...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Impacts of a lack of legal advice on adults with lived experience of modern slavery
News & AnalysisPublications

This project examined experiences of access to legal advice among adults with lived experience of modern slavery in the United Kingdom, as well as the impacts of a lack of access to (quality) legal advice on recovery, wellbeing and protection outcom...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Mapping of Protection Services for Vulnerable People on the Move, Including Victims of Trafficking – On Routes Toward the Central and Western Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic

Each year, thousands of refugees and migrants are subjected to horrific abuse as they move along different routes within the Sahel and East Africa, and towards North Africa and sometimes on to Europe.3 This includes being subjected to repeated gende...Read More