The objective of these publications is to set forth the minimum requirements for the appropriate and ethical recruitment and management of foreign migrant workers by or on behalf of suppliers doing business with HP. The guidance document is intended to help suppliers consider available good practices as they make any necessary changes in their operations to comply with the HP Supply Chain Foreign Migrant Worker Standard issued November 10, 2014. 


Hewlett-Packard Company Supply Chain Foreign Migrant Worker Standard Guidance Document DOWNLOAD
HP Supply Chain Foreign Migrant Worker Standard DOWNLOAD














Effectiveness of Public Procurement Measures in addressing Modern Slavery
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This Modern Slavery PEC Policy Brief is the third in a series of Policy Briefs that assess the evidence base on the effectiveness of different regulatory interventions to address modern slavery in global supply chains, a key research priority for th...Read More

Sanofi Social Charter
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The Sanofi Social Charter reflects the values and attitudes of the company and the group, applies to all employees of the Group worldwide and reflects the commitment of Sanofi in terms of responsibility towards its employees and the environment. ...Read More

ILO Global Business Network on Forced Labor Policy Briefs: Viet Nam
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Forced labour is violation of labour and human rights. It is a global challenge faced by many countries and sectors. Governments, employer and business membership organizations, workers’ organizations, and other stakeholders all have a role to pla...Read More

Preventing and Addressing Vulnerabilities in Immigration Enforcement Policies
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Every year, more than 100,000 people are detained for migration control purposes in the European Union. Immigration detention places individuals’ lives on hold, as people do not know when, or if, they will ever be released. It has a severe impa...Read More